30 November 2023

Apologies for missing last week. I’ve made up for it by sharing Ed’s notices from Facebook of up coming dates and running orders. 

Housekeeping today will include 2 running orders, but both have been detailed in the blog before this one, along with the dates of our appearances. 

Snowballs will happen every time we sing WOMBLING MERRY CHRISTMAS at indoor events only. We don’t want to lose our balls. 

We ran through the running order again, as follows - 

1. Keeping the Dream Alive 
2. Merry Christmas Shaky 
3. See Amid the Winter's Snow 
4. Carol of the Bells 
5. Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth 
6. Merry Christmas Everyone (Elton/Ed)

7. Solos/Duos

8. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 
9. A Winter's Tale 
10. Wombling Merry Christmas 
11. Merry Christmas Everybody (Slade) 
        O Holy Night 
12. Fairy Tale of New York

Then sang the songs we missed out from the not-the-half-hour-version! Plus another look at LITTLE DRUMMER BOY as we all call it. So much overlapping. 

And was there time for the full naughty version of FAIRYTALE in honour of Shane MacGowan who died on this day? Yes there was. 

Wow good job choir! But that’s not why I love you! 

30 November 2023 - Notice Special Edition

December Notices!  Here are some key details:

Wednesday, 6th December, Christmas Concert, United Church Dorchester, 7pm

Friday, 8th December, Christmas Songs at The Royal Hotel, Weymouth, 7pm until 7.30pm

Sunday, 10th December, Christmas Cracker, outside St. Peter's Church, Dorchester, 2pm until 2.30pm

Monday, 11th December, Christmas Social/Concert, Weymouth & Portland Rugby Club, Weymouth, 7pm

Saturday, 16th December, Christmas Songs, Island Garden Nursery, Upwey, 2pm until 2.30pm

Running order for concerts:

1. Keeping the Dream Alive 
2. Merry Christmas Shaky 
3. See Amid the Winter's Snow 
4. Carol of the Bells 
5. Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth 
6. Merry Christmas Everyone (Elton/Ed)
7. Solos/Duos
8. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 
9. A Winter's Tale 
10. Wombling Merry Christmas 
11. Merry Christmas Everybody (Slade) 
        O Holy Night 
12. Fairy Tale of New York 

Running order for 30 minute appearances:

1. Merry Christmas Shaky
2. See Amid the Winter's Snow 
3. Carol of the Bells 
4. Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth 
5. Hark! The Herald Angel's Sing 
6. A Winter's Tale 
7. Wombling Merry Christmas 
8. Merry Christmas Everybody (Slade) 
9. O Holy Night 
10. Fairy Tale of New York  

We return on Wednesday, 10th January. Merry Christmas!!! 


16 November 2023

Ed welcomed us, and we sang Happy Birthday to dear Jenny. There’s a bit of venue change for our concert on the 11th so watch this space for an update. Solo acts are requested for both Weymouth and Dorchester concerts.

We warmed up. We were warmed. We we’re KEEPING THE DREAM ALIVE but we didn’t have enough lyrics. I shared mine. We sang with the backing track then sang a capela with Ed. 

We Wombled into WOMBLING MERRY CHRISTMAS with the song blasting forth from Ed’s magic speaker. The second verse needed some work. Plus there’s a big ask from our choir master - in the concert, pretend this is your favourite song. 

Splitting into parts in any order, we sang THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY/PEACE ON EARTH. The room was filled with more Bing than David. 

Ed is now singing the verses to MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE then we dived into the DONGS of CAROL OF THE BELLS and got quite out of breath. 

And keeping our energy levels up we sang MERRY CHRISTMAS SHAKY. I yawned. Not because of bored. But because of air. Phew! 

Shut the door for A WINTERS TALE with Ed at the piano, probably to give his arms a rest from all that waving around. Needs bounce. 

SEE AMID THE WINTERS SNOW brings out my inner Michael Jackson. How about you? 

And FAIRY TALE OF NEW YORK my inner drunk. No. Not really. We also slipped in O HOLY NIGHT and stood to perform. 

Super smashing snowy singing, DFS - keep singing xxx 

9 November 2023

It’s still Christmas, and Cat smells. Oh no I don’t! Do I? We planned to sing 11 songs so we quickly warmed up DUM DUM DIDDLY DUM while Ed sparkled at the piano. Not because he was playing well but because he had glitter on his forehead. 

He doesn’t actually read this does he? 

We listened to KEEPING THE DREAM ALIVE. Some song along. Then Ed put on the backing track. He pointed out the rule of end of line notes going up or down. Go down every time you are about go onto ‘The game’ otherwise go up at the end of those lines! 

SEE AMID THE WINTERS SNOW was next. Lesley reminded us to sing the Sacred infant verse quietly and reflectively. Then for the chorus, sing like nobody’s listening. We stood. 

For a certain David Essex fan we sang A WINTER’S TALE, with Ed at the keyboard and he demonstrated the sweet low harmony part. 

We Wombled into a WOMBLING MERRY CHRISTMAS with the song to sing along too. Ed reminded us to make Pom Poms. Ed was still glittering as he said we shouldn’t stare at our lyric sheets all the time. 

Apparently Dorch did very well last night with CAROL OF THE BELLS. Ding Dong. Our first run through wasn’t too bad. In the key of G we sang it a Capella. It’s not easy to breathe, perhaps share oxygen with a buddy? 

Rum-pum-pum-pums replaced dongs as we sang THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY/PEACE ON EARTH. Next week there will be no BING. Just probably a few DONGs still … 

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE filled the speakers. Everyone agreed Ed sang it the best of all. Maybe a solo with choir as backing singers? 

We stood to sing O HOLY NIGHT which we know and love. 


Woo boo DFS. Christmas is coming! Keep singing and don’t forget your balls. Hands up who’s already made theirs? Xxx

2 November 2023

A good few of us braved the storm to sing seven festive songs, not the full set that we will goodness - five more sexy songs will be revealed next week. 

We had a short warm up, because you know, seven new songs. Ed had all the tracks on his phone and speaker ready to play for us! 

MERRY CHRISTMAS SHAKY is a blast from 1985. 

A WINTER’S TALE back to 1983 with David Essex in a waist coat. Wasn’t it? Singing with the original song was a little low, so Ed whipped out an old key we used to use. 

SEE AMID THE WINTER’S SNOW is one we know and love. 

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE we sang along with Ed and Elton and Ed actually. Sheeran that is. 

THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY/PEACE ON EARTH means we have to decide if we will be Bing or Bowie, such fun trying to sing different things! Ed demonstrated first one, then the other. Which one will you be. We alternated between listening/singing along,  and singing with the piano. Then we had to sing it with out any accompaniment! 

O HOLY NIGHT had some standing, for our final song. But of course I blogged in order of stapled sheets! 

WOMBLING MERRY CHRISTMAS came with the revelation that the actual Wombles are coming. We had a listen through and I wondered who really sang it back in the 70s. 

Happy Christmas DFS. KEEP SINGING! Xx 

19 October 2023

Ed passed around a list of Christmassy songs, so that we could add to it or vote for it. Lesley asked for A WINTERS TALE to be written down in Ed’s own hand. He read it out rapidly and reminded us not to come next week. 

Warm up time was upon us! Followed by DONA NOBIS PACEM. Our three parts sounded lovely right to the end but we were a tad flat. 

Next THE SKY BOAT SONG with smashing the harmonies! And we sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Carol before sing THE SKYE BOAT SONG again. 

DON’T STOP had a run through with a reminder to watch the gaps. There are lots of meaningful gaps in this song. 

We will be turning our attention to Christmas songs after half term, so we dived into ALL OF ME as the list of Christmassy songs and the pen continued to be past around the room. Ed sat at the piano to help us with the timing of this one. 

6 December at Dorch URC 7pm
8 December tbc The Royal Hotel dinner dance 
11 December at st Nicks along side WVA choir 7pm 
16 December Island Garden Nursery 2pm 

We all tried to come in at the right place for I SAW HER STANDING THERE. It took a few goes to get it right! 

Still the list was being passed around as we sang I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU. 

And squeezing in YOUNG HEARTS RUN FREE and NEVER GIVE YOU UP. We were Rick-rolled! After a quick LIVIN’ ON A PRAYER! 

Have a great half term DFS, see you in November with your handmade snowballs and your Christmas hats. Maybe xxx

5 October 2023

Our new Warm up is DONA NOBIS PACEM and we split into three. Not each of us, individually, I mean the choir. I tried to follow the dots. 

I don’t think I truthfully got the hang of this one the last time we did it, when we sang out of all saints school, but it can be good to sit and listen, I lost my voice last week hence the no-blog. 


The Brain Tumour Charity will be supported by choirs events and concerts this year. On dec 16th at 2pm we will be singing at The Island Garden Nursery in Upwey. It will be all mince pies, mulled wine and a bit of a flashmob. 

THE SKY BOAT SONG filled the hall and Ed sang a harmony from the piano. It was a little under-sung. Brighter and clearer voices, please choir! 

With the original track blasting, we sang along to YOUNG HEARTS RUN FREE. And then used the backing track to have a go. Have a listen at home DFS. 

Don’t forget the magic gap in I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU. It’s an ode to a banana isn’t it? More energy and softer ts are needed. And Ed was pleased. 

My favourite next, a bit of Fleetwood Mac. DON’T STOP. Sorry I sang it competently differently to everyone in the room. I’ve been singing with Christine MacVie since I was 17.

Just before we sang ALL OF ME Ed told us the exciting news that we will be doing a Stock-Aiken-and-Watermelon mash up in the near future! A bit of Kylie and Jason to look forward to then. 

We stood to enjoy LIVING ON A PRAYER, before slipping away in the darkness with ear worms in our hearts. Hmmm maybe not. 

Well done DFS. KEEP SINGING xxx

21 September 2023

Happy Birthday to DFS - 15 years old! And so we sang to one of our Jennys. No cake though.

Next week please bring your charity nominations, so we can decide who we will support during our 16th year. Our Xmas concert will be on Monday 11 Dec at St Nicholas church when we will join with the new WVA choir too. 

We had seven new songs to tackle today, so we dived into a wee warm up and began with I SAW HER STANDING THERE. Ed kept time while we had a second run through a Capella. I keep feeling excited we were doing a Fleetwood Mac song. A third run before we moved onto … 

IVE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU but not the Mama Mia II version. Ed found a key and off we went, beautifully. Then Ed demoed the chorus harmony and some of us had jolly good go at that. Now where’s my inflatable banana? We even had a run through using the very backing track to can click on via our choir drop box. 

We sang DONT STOP with the backing track and then with the Mac themselves. Air guitar time! 

We looked at ALL OF ME before the summer break and we sang it next, with the backing track.

Next THE SKYE BOAT SONG which I sang when I was very small. Possibly the first time I learned a harmony part. 

Rick rolling went we to sing NEVER GONNA GIVE UP such fun! 

We stood to perform LIVIN’ ON A PRAYER so we could make some noise! 15 years of singing each other happy! 

Well done DFS. See you next week to raise the roof again x 

18 May 2023

Shirley has moved to the front row which is nice. More star students under our choirmasters gaze. I opened up a blog post and listened to the hum and chatter of the choir. A giggle. A sigh. 

Then Ed sat at the piano. Today he wore shorts and looked like a PE teacher. GOOD EVENING he boomed after pointing out how little stage left there was tonight. And let us know there’s just one more practice next week before half term. Some of us warmed up while some of us trotted off for copies of Ave Verum Corpus swiped from the table at the back. Just pop some silver in the mini piano. 

A new date - 24 June is … another event with an odd name. Spelling to be confirmed. 

We dived into Ave Verum Corpus to see how much we couldn’t remember from 2022. Not much. Some choir members wanted to know what they were singing. So I googled and I’d have pasted it at the end of the blog coz it makes the formatting go all funny! 

Next up, I’m Into Something Good which is a lot of fun to sing. This is a classic three rehearsal song. A sing with the recording and then our backing track, to put Ed’s three rehearsal theory to the test. 

And from an ALW musical Requiem comes Pie Jesu but of course much lower than Sarah B. Phew. Ed was very happy with our beginning. Don’t forget to come in early when you go UP at the end of requiem. Proper run through next. Eeek. Lovely. Really getting there. 

Til I Kissed Her splits the room naturally. 

Fun to finish with The Wellerman and Uptown Girl. 

Cool beans DFS, you were amazing as always. But that’s not why I love you, keep singing x 

Ave real body, born
of the Virgin Mary
truly suffered, sacrificed
on the cross for man
whose side is perforated
water and blood flowed:
be predestined for us
in the examination of death.

11 May 2023

Sunday was sunny for DFS to sing on the beach. And we did very well Ed thanked us. The audience said it sounded good. 

There were three new songs printed out for us, and a concert to look forward at half term. Ed ran through a few dates at times but I didn’t keep up today. Head full of clouds. Isn’t that a song. 

We warmed up … but we didn’t sing happy birthday to me, and then we listened to Pie Jesu the first of our brand new songs. Ed went over the Latin pronunciations. We will be singing it in Sarah Brightman minus 6. Phew. Ed sat at the piano. Sheet music is available. Dig out your jam and Jerusalem voices and proper diction. 

Next I’m into Something Good blasted from the mini speaker. Then we had a run through and lots of people thought they knew it. I mean, my dad used to sing it. There are a few twiddly bits so we had another listen to some specific bits. Play this on Alexa when you get home! Time for another DFS run through. 

Everly Brothers next ‘Til I Kissed Her yipped I ‘know’ this one too. After a listen through Ed popped on the backing track and filed his nails! An auto harmony filled the room. 

Then Happy Birthday filled the room and it was lovely and there were no bun notes, where there Peter? 

We sang So Happy Together, The Wellerman and Song of the Sea just for fun. 

Superb singing DFS keep singing. And maybe dancing round the kitchen xxx 

4 May 2023

I made it this week, to grab the running order and sing happy birthday to Peter who usually just tells me not to breathe on the door glass. Oh well. 

So the running order for the kings ‘do’ on the beach is as follows …

So Happy Together
Uptown Girl
The Wellerman
Song Of The Sea
Top Of The World 
The Greatest Showman Medley 

So we put on our best diction for So Happy Together to kick off our run through. We are down on Harmony folk for this concert so Ed added some extra support and coaching for those of us here. 

Next we dived into The Wellerman and don’t forget your Way-allll in verse three, and end with a HO. All the other endings are Huh! 

Quickly onto Song Of The Sea when Ed pointed out the clever links from one line to the next. Obviously written by someone very clever. We ran through the harmony again. There’s a good guide on the backing track. 

Next up, stand if you want for a complete run through. So I stopped blogging to give it a go! Then I completed forgot to sign off the blog in a fluffy of folders and stacking chairs in 6s. 

I’m about to leave for the beach. And it’s a gorgeous day! Break a leg everyone xxx

Hot Dates for your Diaries!

Ed just shared this little lot in the facebook group - 

Dates for your diaries:

Wed 26th April DfS Dorchester 6.45pm
Thur 27th April DfS Weymouth 7.15pm
Wed 3rd May DfS Dorchester 6.45pm
Thurs 4th May DfS Weymouth 7.15pm
Sun 7th May, Weymouth Beach (Coronation) 2pm
Wed 10th May DfS Dorchester 6.45pm
Thurs 11th May DfS Weymouth 7.15pm
Wed 17th May DfS Dorchester 6.45pm
Thurs 18th May Weymouth 7.15pm
Wed 24th May Dorchester 6.45pm
Thurs 25th May Weymouth 7.15pm
Sat 27th May, Fayre in the Square, Brewers Quay, Weymouth 10.55am
Half Term 
Wed 7th June DfS Dorchester 6.45pm
Thurs 8th June DfS Weymouth 7.15pm
Friday 9th June Concert St. Nicholas Church, Broadwey, 7pm
Wed 14th June DfS Dorchester 6.45pm
Thurs 15th June DfS Weymouth 7.15pm
Wed 21st June DfS Dorchester 6.45pm
Thurs 22nd June DfS Weymouth 7.15pm
Wed 28th June DfS Dorchester 6.45pm
Thurs 29th June DfS Weymouth 7.15pm
Wed 5th July DfS Dorchester 6.45pm
Thurs 6th July Weymouth 7.15pm
Sun 9th July, Party in the Park, Dorchester time TBA 
Sat 2nd September, Music by the Sea, Swanage, 12pm (full details to follow)

So that will stop me having to type like crazy at the next practice! 

Wednesday 5 April 2023

A message from dear Christine Smith -

“ I have sad news for those who knew Dot Stephenson. She was one of the first people to join the choir in Weymouth and introduced Barbara and I to the choir soon after. Dot died on Sunday evening after a long illness. 

The funeral will be held on Tuesday 18th April at 10am. The Crematorium in Weymouth.  

Anyone who knew Dot will be welcome and we ask you to please spread the word.

The family have requested that a few choir members sing at the funeral this will be limiting of course and we hope for six to ten (including Barbara and I) 

A rehearsal has been organised the day before at Ed’s home. If you would like to offer to sing with us, please message me and I will give you more information.”

Christine has kindly shared her number for anyone who wants to sing for Dot, 07794 479208 

29 march 2023

First Easter Concert in years, and I was so proud to be part of it. 

Ed was very pleased, he took to Facebook and wrote, “What a brilliant concert Dorset for Singing in Dorchester tonight, am so proud of you all! Over £250 raised for #Willdoes and we can do it all again tomorrow night (Thursday, 30th March) at St. Aldhelm's Church in Weymouth at 7pm.  Free entry with a retiring collection and every penny going to the charity. Thank you all so much x”

So there’s a plug for tomorrow’s concert too, when I’ll be singing once again the song that Ed and I wrote in 2016. 

There were some great cabaret acts too, the first time I’ve seen a standing ovation at a DFS event. Goals! And choir did very well with our rich and varied set, even that saucy Peter Kay medley, we certainly pulled that off. I feasted on the smiles of our generous audience. 

Well done Choir, I don’t want you, I probably don’t need you, but I sure do love you. Recklessly…

Cat xxx

16 March 2023

Some people were surprised that our concert is in 2 weeks not 1. Ed had prepared the running order which we would run through this very practise. 

In concerts to announce we had - 

7th May we have been asked on Weymouth Beach to sing for the king’s Whotsit. Not just randomly, on a stage and everything. 

27 may - 10.55 Fayre in the square - brewers quay. Ed and his gorgeous choir shall sing. 

And thus the running order was launched - 

9 to 5 
Now and Forever
I who have nothing 

(Solo section) 

Peter Kay medley 
From Both Sides Now 
Uptown Girl 
2 out of 3 ain’t bad 
Those Were The Days 

And after scribbling the list we warmed up, then spent 40 minutes singing our set. Remember our opening song needs soooooo much energy and good American accents. 

Song 2 had a bum line - second line of second verse! Listen in for homework please! Smiley faces and high cheekbones please.

Africa demanded a stand up rain practice! 

Peter Kay - makes choir groan. It needed a second run through. We used the video to help. 

Wow. I’m tired now ….

9th March 2023

There were some lovely posters to display somewhere, and here’s one down below just for you. 

Apparently it looked a lot like this last year, but we had to cancel for pandemic type reasons. We responsibly warned up. I yawned a lot. More oxygen please. 

We commenced with the Peter Kay Children in Need Medley using the original track as a help and guide. After some typos were pointed out, pencils scribbled away and we sang it again by ourselves. Ed said I can bring a giant banana to the concert. 

We spend a teensy bit longer on the Jai Ho which is very squeaky in contrast to the ‘get knocked down’ section which is really quite shouty. We sang to the end, with 8 more songs to sing. 

Next Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad specifically with the intention of nailing the middle section. We sang along with Meat. We looked very closely at some of the timings, and went again. Ed said it was coming together beautifully. 

Still jogging we hit 9 to 5 crazy running and trying to squeeze in all those words. Honestly I was glad to type this so I can catch my breath. Hmmm what else can I type here? Phew! We stood to perform it and managed to inject a great deal of energy. We sang half the song. 

In the place of much energy we turned to Now and Forever. Ed sat at the piano to tighten us up a bit. 

Time to play rain for Africa and Ed said, You are getting good! The voices were off until we began to sing. Ed said I can bring a monkey to the concert. 

And From Both Sides Now with Ed at the Piano was lovely lovely, and rapidly followed by Those Were The Days proper crowd pleased. Raise your glasses of pop! 

We had to choose between two songs and I Who Have Nothing won. We stood and made a very good job of it, divas that we are. 8 out of 9 really ain’t bad at all! 

Well DFS, we want you (singing), we need you (singing), and don’t forget I love you, Cat xxx

2nd March 2023

A new song? At this close to a concert? We whipped up the sheets and waved them around, slipped them into folders and caught up with our friends. 

Ed had another cold. Aw, we said, and tried to be sympathetic. He pointed out the new Medley, for those who hadn’t seen it yet. And we warmed up. It was good to have Ed in charge even if he was meant to be on strike today … We used Mangoes, Bananas and Kiwis to warm up, which choir hadn’t done in a while. 

Am dram time, I Who Have Nothing which we were supposed to be all very warmed and loosened up for. But the words wouldn’t fit on the lines again. Oops. Ed was already at the piano, but he broke it down for us. Short clipping bits and smooth long bits. Basically. And more drama. And hold. And breathe. Yes. More drama to be added this week. 

New medley time, the Peter Kay Children in Need Medley. We listened to track, from 2009. Pop into drop box to listen again, this weeks homework. 

We dropped into Africa, like you do. Rain time. Shhhh everyone. We practiced a multi layered ending. Anchors, beautiful people, and tops. 

Into Uptown Girl. Guuuurrrrrl. Yeah. 

And sweetly, we listened to a recording of From Both Sides Now recorded in the Isle Of white last year. Then Ed sat at the piano and we sang, sweetly at first, then energising … feeling it. Or at least, I was. 

Jogging next, through 9 to 5 feeling out of breath and nostalgic for typewriters! Dolly-isms needed for this one. Chuck your British accents out the window. 

We ended with Those Were The Days and very well done Choir. Love you xxxx

23 February 2023

Dear Choir, 

Welcome back after half term? Did you have fun? I literally can’t remember what I did, but that’s why I blog ‘on the fly’. To think, 14 years ago I used to wake up the next day and blog the highlights before driving to playgroup with my tinies. 

Ed said the Wedding if Harry and Robyn was magical. We all said awwww. Photos to follow of course.

And it’s 6 weeks until our Easter concerts so that’s 5 more practices. Eeeeeek. Charity Will Does will be talking about what they do on the Dorch concert night. 

We warmed. Up. We were ready. Ed was missing some words so he had to borrow and we started with From Both Sides Now. 

This song needs magic, variety and proper diction. Feel excited when you sing this, and let it show. Moons and Junes should be sung as if you are on children’s telly. Well. Something like that.

Straight forward next, said Ed, it’s 9 to 5! Singing this song is like running up a hill. Take a breath when you can. We tried rapping it, to get the rhythm and work out if we really can fit these phrases into one breath, and discover where to snatch some air when you can’t. Phew. Shall we talk about accents? Maybe! 

We sang Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad along with Meatloaf himself. Hope he isn’t turning in his grave. Please listen to the middle bit especially when you are doing your homework and of course listening to the whole song 20 times on Alexa or is that just me? 

Time for rain, and Africa … remember follow the direction and trump DFS Dorch. Hehe. And push the beat. And. Confident and wrong, is better for rehearsing the sing. Confident and right, is what we do on the night! 

Thanks Ed. 

Time is Now and Forever with himself singing along too. 

Don’t think Waitrose, think Walmart for Uptown Girl. Go! And we finished with Those were The Days. 

Wow superb singing, love you loads, see you next week when we have 4 rehearsals left before our concerts. Xxx

9 February 2023

Ed apologised for being absent last week. But please don’t turn up next week. It’s half term. 

Dum Dum diddle we didst go. La la la la la la laaaaaaaaa. Aaaaahhh AAAAAAHHHHHH Aaaaaaahhhh. You have to be there really. 

We whipped out Uptown Girl with a reminder to use proper American accents, please! After a run through Ed said it needed more energy. That’s rich coming from Mr-I’ll-just-take-a-nap-in-the-corner but he had a point. We downloaded some energy and stood to perform, and it was much more lively with a bigger sound too. 

A new song next, Now And Forever which appeared to be a lesser know song by Richard Marx. So we listened, probably to the YouTube but who knows these days, without a screen. Then at the piano, Ed sang it through pointing out all the pitfalls, and which twiddly bits we won’t be bothering with. Then it was out turn. Not bad for a first or second go.

Time for the weather, we do enjoy performing Africa. I listened coz it’s fab. Don’t forget to keep the rain going after the thunder. People seems to get swayed by the climactic rumbles! Such fun. We worked on our rhythm, and the syncopation.

And the lovely From Both Side Now filled the hall, just us, the choir master and the wibbly wobbly piano. Ed said this will have a simple guitar flavoured backing track for the concert. Sometimes there’s magic in simplicity. 

Power Ballad time, Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad. Ed tried to give it his post covid best without losing his voice. It’s a challenge that’s for sure. 

Camp it up for I Who Have Nothing well, that’s what I do. Then we were in for a treat. Ed actually told us to Am Dram this. So we were actually required to camp it up after all! 

Super duper smashing, keep singing and keep smiling. Don’t forget to practice for four hours every day so you don’t let the choir down, Ed down and most of all yourself down. 

And have a nice half term break, Cat xxx

1 February 2023

News Flash - 

“ Am so sorry, but Dorchester Choir is cancelled tonight as I have tested positive for COVID and feel rather poorly.  Please would you let any non-Facebook members know, I'll keep you all posted but it's probably sensible to cancel Weymouth for tomorrow evening. Sorry again, lovely people.”

Ed Hintze, in our Facebook group x 

26 January 2023

And a Dum Dum diddle we will go … Eeeeeh Aaaah. 

Then we tried to be as loud as we could, and made Ed’s smart watch very worried about the decibels. Go us! We are strong and mighty. And sometimes in tune. 

For song I love, and dived right in. I sang it in a solo moment in our Christmas concert some years ago, ah Those Were Them Days my friends! We did so well we considered the harmony. The huge question remains, La or Da? And does it matter? 

We are not going to worry about the double negatives in Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad but we we going to pay very close attention to pauses, timings and meaning gaps. Ed used a recording of MEAT on his iPad and paused to give us hot tips and corrections. This made the very long song last a little bit longer. There were some really tricky parts. 

I love to sing Uptown Girl it’s great fun and we get to sing in American which we were quite good at. Until we sang KNOWS but all I heard was Ed going on about a very British NOSE. Such fun. 

A repeat is deleted from Both Sides Now. Despite being reinstated last week. Oh well. A reminder to use pencils ✏️ when making choir notes on our words. 

Then it was time to make rain. and thunder for Africa. 
Wonderful sounds. Fading for the drums. Well that bit’s concert ready. It’s super effective when no one speaks. 

We stood to perform I Who Have Nothing to give it our all. Ed coaching from the keyboard. 

Yay well done DFS. I don’t know about you, but this one’s for Ronnie. I love you guys too xxx

12 January 2023

The blog has been blogged for 14 years! Ed said Happy New Year. An Easter concert is already booked DFS, on 29 and 30 March for both choirs. 

September brings songs we rarely get to perform, so as well as fresh new song sheets to collect we will look at some of those again. Ed talked us through this terms fresh offerings. 

And so we warmed up … 

And kicked off with Uptown Girl which was great fun. After a run through we were introduced to some backing and harmonies. 

Inspired by a live performance of From Both Sides Now Ed decided to let us have at it. And so we did. But I didn’t because I’m far to young to know it. Ed played the piano and guided us to tighten up, and be mindful of any pauses. Slipping into the odd harmony when he felt the urge … 

Now Africa has actions … we create the sound of rain. We did this some time ago but I don’t think we took our rain to a concert. We sang along to the backing track. Such fun. The longest HAD we’ve ever had. We practiced making rain and thunder. It blended beautifully into the intro. 

Have at the hand actions if you wish, for I Who Have Nothing completely optional as are pulling dramatic faces. Ed say at the piano, and told us how much he loved us. Likewise. Drama is good today. Just this once. 

Meatloaf next because Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad. Most people know this even if they think they don’t. We just had a little taster because it is a rather long song and we wanted to fit in 9 to 5. A bit of dolly so send us out into the night, singing all the way home. Please bring your southern drawl. 

Wow. What a great lovely start to another year of DFS. Well done, that’s not why I love you xxx