27 march 2014

The last rehearsal before the Easter break....

Please don't come to a rehearsal next week, there's a social at Wey Valley school instead starting at 6.30pm. No taxies can enter after 9pm thought as the gates close for the caretakers bedtime. 

With the school hall all set up for the pupils very special Taser Service, Ed stood at the podium in conductor mode. I wonder what ever happened to the baton that the naughty corner gave him? Someone might email the school and tell them it's really spelled e-a-s-t-e-r though ...

So we kicked off with heaven being a place on earth. The ending wasn't quite what we seemed to be expecting though!
Be alert DFS. This song has a very short intro and is also in danger of a bum note start. I'm sure it will be alright on Sunday afternoon though!

So Happy Together as always! But in need of more bah-bahs... And something funny was happening with the computer. Or more specifically it's treatment of our backing tracks! It worked the second time around, with a really smart Gilbert-and-Sullivan sound too! 

The Long and Winding Road. Blogging live has its quirks. I'm sort of giving you a running order while listening to a conversation about the numbers of grandchildren some people has. Then I had another feel of Jenny's balls. Lovely.Energy  is needed for this number to keep the lack of cheek bones and dirge at bay. All stood to tackle it a second time. 

Dreaming. Dreaming is free even if the All Saints computer doesn't like Ed's endings. We really enjoy this one and it shows. Just a really funny gap to watch out for, near the beginning! Trying to work out the timing together proved hilarious, and included an impromptu honk of geese and a visit to lambing-live. 

Freedom. This week we definitely had enough Duddle-uts printed on our words, so that was good. Pay attention to those ^arrows^ near the end so your Freedom doesn't go up when it should go down ... Ed asked for more butt. Sorry, 'but'. 

I'll Say Goodbye To Love actually said hello to an almost intact ending. We only ran through it a second time because Carol likes it! 

King and I. The knight that never ends, cried Ed, as he gave us a break in order to say something very silly to someone new. So I wrote a few more lines of blog. Then it was time to tackle some last minute issues, and run through everything again!

We stood for our finale after Ed took numbers for our social, and numbers for any extra copies of music for Sunday, then it was bath time. Love you, keep singing! XXXX

13 march 2014

The one with the big breaths ...

Ed gave us a reminder for the Mother's Day concert, in two weeks at 2pm at the pavilion...

We started with Karen Carpenter and said Goodbye to Love in the key of original, but everyone but me found it a tad low. So then it went up to +3 and Ed found it much less dreary. I'll not get bidda. Don't forget to smile, and make good use of those big breaths. 

Surely heaven is a place on earth when we sing like hosts of the aforementioned realm? Baby I was afraid before, but I'm not afraid - anymore! And Ed was pleased ...

Good morning sunshine in the original key won't be ready but Freedom looked good with not a single doo-doo out of place. It's still in C+3 as it was last week! We do need another two lines of Duddle-uts though ... Ed got everyone on their feet to give it some welly. And we dooooooo.....

Dream time next without Debbie Harry. And not because I kept yawning tonight! We will perform it a little slower than she did, and without the very distracting drums but still in the original key of D for Dreaming.

We ended on a long and windy road, probably the one leading to my snuggly bed, especially if it's windy! 

Then we read the music festival feed and watched the best toddler in the world!

Next week we will have the definitive list and then a further two weeks to practice on those! Keep singing, remember I love you XXX

6 March 2014

The cat in the hat came back ... To blog!

Ed's ear infection caused him to take a sickie today so we had to have choir without him. 

So he didn't have the comments sheet, about the performance on Saturday at the music fesival, but he did give us some lovely feedback and the sad news that DFS are not invited back for Friday nights concert, unless of course anyone wants to come and watch!

Working towards 'the best of' we will be preparing about 25 minutes of songs for that concert, and we kicked off with Karen carpenter and I felt shocked. What have you lot being doing in my absence? It was in a shocking key (C+3), and so we slipped it to a C+2 and tried again. The extra long phrase had to have some breathing spaces slotted in, in two secret places! Sorry that all those 'aaaaahs' made me yawn ... Then we stood to perform and no one played air guitar after all...

Freedom next, and no I don't mean the accessible boat in Weymouth harbour, but the wham! song from our collective youth. Well ok just mine and Ed's, and at 'C+3' was a tad high for most of us ... Ed's choreography was excellent. And as for our singing, I'm not sure if we got it in the bag, but I think we hit it over the head quite a bit!

'The long and winding road' hasn't yet disappeared from our repertoire, and is well high at C+6! It may be missing some trombones and a banana. Alex volunteered to be a French horn. And then we went into the jungle, without so much as a mosquito net. 

Last song, plucked from the menu, left us 'happy together', in E-minor! 

Thanks to all those who said they missed the blog! I've really had fun doing it this week. Must have missed it myself.