20 October 2022

We almost had a dead piano tonight, and had Peter and Ed discussed the possibility of a replacement. This must have upset the piano just enough to get it working again. Just in time for Ed to announce it’s untimely demise. 

That meant we could warm up as usual. Although Ed did set aside the keyboard for some fun vocal-exercises, and a dum-dum-fiddle. 

We were introduced to Because We Believe and listened to it on Ed’s IPad, then to him singing it at the happily resurrected piano. Some of us joined in. Isn’t it lovely? 

But we have all been practicing being Barry Gibb for How Deep Is Your Love and I think we nailed it, making Ed laugh in pure delight as our over-vibrato filled the hall. Oh my. Does anybody read this and gain any insight? I do hope so. Especially if you didn’t come this week. This entire blog is your half term homework. Don’t come next week. 

We practiced the harmony parts then performed it with the backing track. We were allowed to congratulate ourselves heartily, then those who didn’t have one ordered a Christmas booklet from Ed. 

The piano was tinkered with so we could sing The Sound Of Silence. The last verse still has too many words that don’t want to fit. Ed wanted more harmony people, so demonstrated it again. 

We had a little bash at The Greatest Showman Medley and a stamp practice. Then stood to perform, keeping going even when the backing track gave up, and Siri called, I’m sorry! 

Finally The Wellerman filled the hall HUH and then it was time to go home, for sugar and tea and run. 

Well done and keeeeep singing all half term xxx

13 October 2022

With oodles of songs to get through we dived into a warm up. Have you got The Christmas Collection 2019 tucked away safely at home? Do have a look because next week you can order a set of you need one. 

We all ruffled through our pages to find Ave Verum Corpus. It went so well when we first sang it that I almost forgot to blog. I think I ran out of puff out on the last line. Ed sang out each of the parts in turn paying more attention to the second half. 

Time for a calypso so Ed whipped out the recording of the song for us to sing along to, then jumped behind the piano for a go without John. He also demonstrated the harmony for the chorus. 

The piano was all pitched transposed so that we could attempt The Sound Of Silence which was interesting. Ed wanted a lot more harmony. Harmony people sang with Ed to practice. 

Some choir members think we have sung How Deep Is Your Love some time ago but some of us only remember The First Of May. We practiced out Bee Gee impressions for the opening bars. The harmony parts needed some work. 

We dived into The Wellerman minus Scottish accents. There was a request to stand for this one, and we stayed stood to sing The Greatest Showman. 

All too soon it was time to go home to bed, well done DFS  Cat xxx

6 October 2022

Here for anyone not on Facebook is our Drop Box Link - 

Our Drop Box Link

Our Christmas concerts are booked for the 7th and 8th in our respective churches and a Christmas Cracker on the 11th of December. I’m sure we can look forward to learning Christmas Medley songs soon. After these fabulous facts we warmed up. 

Ave Verum Corpus to begin with, listening to Kings College acing it. Nothing like a bit of Mozart to get the party started. It actually made me fancy a few Christmas carols. Alexa? 

We have a show of hands for our preferred parts. This being a four part adventure. Ed sat at the piano and sang the alto part. Is there anyone else who wonders what they should be doing when? Takes me back to my days with Inverness Choral Society and I couldn’t quite read dots then either! 

Remember that our drop box has links to recordings of the parts, if you want to check those out this week. Ed felt like our song was coming together and reminded us to sing VERgin not virgin. 

Next, before explaining why he wants us to sing it, we tackled Four Chords. I have been playing this on my iPad while I cook dinner. It was actually mooted as a way to learn some new songs. So he said. There are a lot we don’t know in this entity that is Four Chords. There are even longer versions on YouTube btw. 

And How Deep Is Your Love? Check out Jacob Collier teaching this on YouTube. Lesley is going to ask Alexa. It sounded lovely. Ed woke up the iPad to conduct from the front. 

When first released The Sound Of Silence it flopped. Only when remixed and revamped did it do any good and Paul Simon and Fart Carbuncle went on to do great things. 

Ed sat at the piano to run through the harmony. And so we sang. Lovely lovely and jolly good. 

Time for Calypso which I also enjoyed in my kitchen this last week. It pairs perfectly with The Wellerman. We had a listen to that and a sing along with it. Must add it to your homework this week! 

At almost 8.30 there was enough time to squeeze in our The Greatest Showman and we stood to perform. 

Well done DFS. It’s not your awesomeness that makes me love you.  Cat xxx