19 October 2023

Ed passed around a list of Christmassy songs, so that we could add to it or vote for it. Lesley asked for A WINTERS TALE to be written down in Ed’s own hand. He read it out rapidly and reminded us not to come next week. 

Warm up time was upon us! Followed by DONA NOBIS PACEM. Our three parts sounded lovely right to the end but we were a tad flat. 

Next THE SKY BOAT SONG with smashing the harmonies! And we sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Carol before sing THE SKYE BOAT SONG again. 

DON’T STOP had a run through with a reminder to watch the gaps. There are lots of meaningful gaps in this song. 

We will be turning our attention to Christmas songs after half term, so we dived into ALL OF ME as the list of Christmassy songs and the pen continued to be past around the room. Ed sat at the piano to help us with the timing of this one. 

6 December at Dorch URC 7pm
8 December tbc The Royal Hotel dinner dance 
11 December at st Nicks along side WVA choir 7pm 
16 December Island Garden Nursery 2pm 

We all tried to come in at the right place for I SAW HER STANDING THERE. It took a few goes to get it right! 

Still the list was being passed around as we sang I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU. 

And squeezing in YOUNG HEARTS RUN FREE and NEVER GIVE YOU UP. We were Rick-rolled! After a quick LIVIN’ ON A PRAYER! 

Have a great half term DFS, see you in November with your handmade snowballs and your Christmas hats. Maybe xxx

5 October 2023

Our new Warm up is DONA NOBIS PACEM and we split into three. Not each of us, individually, I mean the choir. I tried to follow the dots. 

I don’t think I truthfully got the hang of this one the last time we did it, when we sang out of all saints school, but it can be good to sit and listen, I lost my voice last week hence the no-blog. 


The Brain Tumour Charity will be supported by choirs events and concerts this year. On dec 16th at 2pm we will be singing at The Island Garden Nursery in Upwey. It will be all mince pies, mulled wine and a bit of a flashmob. 

THE SKY BOAT SONG filled the hall and Ed sang a harmony from the piano. It was a little under-sung. Brighter and clearer voices, please choir! 

With the original track blasting, we sang along to YOUNG HEARTS RUN FREE. And then used the backing track to have a go. Have a listen at home DFS. 

Don’t forget the magic gap in I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU. It’s an ode to a banana isn’t it? More energy and softer ts are needed. And Ed was pleased. 

My favourite next, a bit of Fleetwood Mac. DON’T STOP. Sorry I sang it competently differently to everyone in the room. I’ve been singing with Christine MacVie since I was 17.

Just before we sang ALL OF ME Ed told us the exciting news that we will be doing a Stock-Aiken-and-Watermelon mash up in the near future! A bit of Kylie and Jason to look forward to then. 

We stood to enjoy LIVING ON A PRAYER, before slipping away in the darkness with ear worms in our hearts. Hmmm maybe not. 

Well done DFS. KEEP SINGING xxx