5 June 2014

Not now Ron...

Apparently we had really good feedback from our concerts espially the one at All Saints Church. Ed thought there were some very good highlights and promised to get more of Michael's footage up. A member of the congregation told one of our number that some of the songs were not suitable to be sung in church. Haha. She obviously wasn't there when I sang Honey Honey at Wey Bay Methodist church but that's a whole 'nother story!

Ed asked for a show of hands for a concert at the Pavillion on Tuesday 22 July during school holidays. Same format as usual with choir singing and some solo slots. Many people can make that, and put up thier sticky hands, so it's going to be firmly booked. 

Sexy new choir folders will be available to buy from September, to facilitate us breaking away from staring at the screen. Ed is changing his job at wey valley which will help him to ditch school paperwork and do more DFS paperwork and possibly get videos edited and uploaded. 

Then we cracked on with Secret Love, a brand new song to sing at the pavilion. After singing it through Ed added a disco beat. Look out for 'a no-pen door'. We don't want any of those! I hadn't actually heard this song so I felt very young and got on with some fabrication on the blog. Harmonies and descant parts will be added next time. Then DFS added a meaningful gap and Ed declared it perfect before making everyone stand and perform. Is anyone else like me and needs to hear it 20 times before they know it? Hhmm. Now I don't feel so young any more. 

Next new song was Hard To Say I'm Sorry by Chicago. We gave it a go with a backing track and found out he had legs. Listen in on you tube folks!

Dear Darling is a dreadfully modern song and we went straight into the backing track leaving me at a loss for a tune again! I will definitely be spending some time with you tube while I chop celery.

Ed asked for a vote as this song felt very different. Homework might help and we could revisit this song later. 

Bonfire Heart sing-a-long next with James Blunt leading. Bless him. 60% yes votes for this song. There was a suggestion that our brand new WHOLE ROW of men could sing the lower lines. 

Toto's Africa was slapped up on the screen next, very much inspired by another music festival entry this year. But there seemed to be too many words to fit into the lines. 

In impromptu Freddy interpretation from Ed as we we rocked our way through One Vision. This one would work well with a soloist. 

From the redicolous to the sublime, we ended were we began with, with a bit of Secret Love, disco beat included despite to votes from nay-sayers! We ended on a good note. Yay! Harry got a round of applause for being better behaved than Jack, and we are invited to bring in raffle presents for Carol to collect and collate. 

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