On the pelvic floor!

Pelvic floors really so not feature much I blog-land, although I may have made another reference to them once. A singing teacher I once had in Edinburgh (and I don't really mean 'had') told me all about my diaphragm and wonderful pelvic floor, and that in the Olden days singers often claimed that they could squeeze a longer note out by the additional clenching of the buttocks, and at the risk of saying Ed is wrong ... Ah well we could always do one of those sing offs. We split the choir down the middle and armed with a piano and a stopwatch, we get half of DFS to knot-up their bum cheeks and the other half to raise their pelvic floors and we shall see! My money's on the PFs, but it's anybody's guess!

So we voted tonight to support MND as this years local charity and ill put a nice link up for you soon. We heard all about Spencer, and so we will be singing our hearts out in memory of a fab musician that did what he could for MND them sadly lost his young life to the disease.

One hundred new songs tonight, and we were worked so hard that we did not even miss Dave, sorry Dave. Happily though, Jack and Harry did not squabble over the tetchy bits but we had a nice glimpse of the s** pistols to wake us up.

What a great night. Keep singing xxxxx

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