22 Movember 2012


One for the Echo there. And please accept this note from me best mate, who told me to stay home and stay safe. Linda sent me the low down on last night practice, as she and Jackie manned the doors and watched the choir folk arriving, wind swept and breathless before tackling the stairs to the common room. All the chairs facing the door, so anyone coming in late had the shock of everyone staring at them!

After the warm ups Ed decided that we needed a more intimate mood, so he turned most of the lights off. It was actually better to see the screen, which was right in front of the toilet door, so am Linda was glad everyone had `been` before practice, phew!

Then, the spooky bit! The lights in the staircase kept coming on and going off, so Harry was sent to investigate.... but he couldn`t find a light switch, like something from a bad dream. Every time Ed went to play on the keyboard the lights went off and on again several times. Perhaps he should have that organ looked at?

As the evening went on the room got very warm, but everyone refrained from stripping off. Choir sang all the songs quite well with some Dorset variations (laugh,passed etc), and we were reminded to be more American, esp since when we sang `Sing` it sounded Chinese! Nice. Keep singing folks, i missed you all. Thanks Linda see you for coffee sometime xxx

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