8 June 2017

And once again we gathered together for the final weeks of year eight, and began an invigorating warm-up, so apt for a night like tonight. 

Then Ed plugged a musical event, to kick off notices, and gave stunning feedback on the fair in the square. We are already booked for next year. 

We kicked off with Wings, with the treat of new any-oke songs and two new choir songs to enjoy tonight. We were marvellous. I love you DFS. 

Soolaimon was a really new song, and introduced to us by Ed singing it, and I sent a snippet to a certain 11 year old, who thought it was cool. It was really fun to work with, as it split into such sweeeeet lovely harmonies that Ed was visibly moved and we were able to stand and do our first performance! 

There are no other choirs doing Soolaimon on you tube, so get ready to be the first. I have a SONY don't forget...

And, to continue the 'religious bent', The Impossible Dream filled our eager mouths and our powerful lungs and we gave it a good run through, apart from a few tricky bits, and after a careful dissection, we stood to perform. Perhaps it wasn't so new as it sounded a lot like a certain song from Les Mis ... 

God Only Knows how well we worked tonight because we gave that a run through before singing All Around My Hat that I had mostly remembered wrongly from childhood! How we love random-oke!

Well done tackling those new songs today DFS. You rock. Keep in rocking it, love Cat xxx

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