DFS Dorchester 25/03/15

DFS Dorchester 25/03/15               

We all remembered not to go to church. Many now familiar smiling faces, (one lone man, come on chaps, give us a hand here!) were gathered in anticipation, slightly worried about the rather exposing acoustic in the back room.

It was indeed, exposing, and knocked some of us down a peg or two. Ed thought this to be a good thing, as singing in a church with such wonderful acoustics could be lulling us into a false sense of gloriousness.
So, feeling full of trepidation, especially as Ed was sporting a collar and tie, and Jack, was very professionally seated behind a desk, we launched into our warm up. After all manner of screeching, growling and facial contortion, he who must be obeyed exclaimed that these warm ups are not at all effective. He simply finds them very amusing. You now have the measure of things, but still we turn up each week!

We are here because we love to sing, and we sang our hearts out, Chiquitita is really coming on, we are sitting in a group for the harmony part and this gives us more confidence. Don't wait for the person next to you to start, just be bold. Better to be wrong with confidence, but you are probably right so go for it!

King And I very HIGH for some, but will sound gorgeous before too long, some lovely moments in it.

Then Round, round, get around, PUB. Simple.

We have been asked to sing at The Race for life on May 31st, less exhausting than running, but a nice thing to be able to do for a great cause. Some of you will know this, but I have heard that the atmosphere is second to none.

We are giving Ed a rest now until April 22nd, but keep singing, don't let that voice disappear after all that shouting and hollering !

A good few of us headed off to the Vivo Lounge, joined by Jenny, Ed's Wife , normally they send a nurse for him at the end of each session, but we are improving.
                                                                                                              Have a lovely Easter, Carole M. x

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