2nd October 2014

The late start to the term - for Cat!

Well back in the deep end of DFS was I, and so efficient was Ed that he handed me a crib sheet with all the notices and songs. I refused to type it word for word of course. 

Tonight was the selecting this years charity night, with nominations being voted for at the end of our session together. 

We discussed the new clothing option which is tops of choice embroidered with our famous rainbow logo. Gave our new groovy pens a plug and moved onto next years trip to perform with lemon otter's choir. 15-17 May in Canterbury. 

DFS Dorchester is being launched in January next year. This is the pound land of choir world. The presence of DFS Weymouth is requested to perform and answer questions from new hungry singers. 

Unlike last week which controversially lacked warm up, we hit a few scales! 

Ed's lovely print out reproduced just for you, here! Thanks Ed, you saved me some typing, but that's not why I love you!

Islands in the stream sounded lovely apart from a bit of a dip at the point of the key change. Then we worked at out country accents and a soft start. Oh yes. Magic three pennies was brought into play for the first time in our 6 years together. The penny dropped. We got it right thrice. Then stood to perform! Don't forget to pause on the dots. 

Last week, 'Let's Go to San Francisco' blew Ed clean away. Looks like a natural choice for Dorset's best choir. A shy start this week especially this week, but then all the harmony people rembered how cool they were and all was well. Coffuffles not required. 

After watching the Rock Choir sing 'Mr Blue Sky' we jumped to singing 'The Way Old Friends Do' with a smashing, although not dog-friends backing track!

And this just in folks- we are supporting the samartans this year. Cause everyone needs a good simaritan. Keep singing. Cat xxxx

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