27 June 2013

The one with the dishcloth shirt....

The keyboard was shoved right into the naughty corner, underneath the screen, so no playing with that tonight. Little jack-corner was tucked away behind a pulled-out mixing desk, spaghetti-wires everywhere!

Get your words printed from the worldly-wide-web for Saturday's concert. The following songs are blogged in running order, as performed, and for your convenience! 

Dancing queen was fun when the incomplete words swept off the screen. Jenny might well be in the dog house for only sending part of the words, but she did better than Ed who brought only an empty memory stick! Still, his strip tease made up for it!!!!

Oh what a beautiful morning was all In it's own time. Not ours. At all! It was lovely hummed through though! We got it eventually. Phew!

Dancing in the street went AWOL but then burst gallantly out of the school speakers, scaring away any remaining little brown mav'ricks! Moo. 

Rose had to lose the yobs, and with a bit of gentleness and tummy support, they left the building. That's a relief because we don't want any rugby-versions of our songs appearing, from the football shouts!

Flash dance with groovy backing was given an equally groovy run through. 

Tonight needs good strong t-sounds at ends especially. Don't forget this on Saturday. No Oklahoma accents here, no sir!

If I loved you was nearly perfect!

Finale was our 'angry men', you can thank my kittens for that title! Night night, god bless, and remember I love you. See you Saturday! Xxxx

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