26 may 2011

Little Pixies, in Tutus!

Or what romps through the head of Ed as he leads another choir practice from the depths of his terrible cold! Little pixes danced mockingly through my head, as we tried to sing 'Sumer Is Icumen In' but instead sounded like the mice in bagpuss, cleaning a broken ship in a bottle.

Madrigals over, we tackled Sloop John B, which was great fun, and is perfect to add to our repertoire.

What we all did for love was a bit flat, until Ed helped us spice it up, using the Bryan Husbandmethod, placing a 'person' in mind, that you are singing to or about. So I stared at the cross on the curtains and felt a bit silly, but the second time we sang it, Ed was very happy, and we had put so much real feeling into the song that we drove away the cheeky pixies in tutus (that always go too far). So that's the answer DFS, make like a soloist, everytime! Well, maybe apart from madrigals, which always sound a bit bonkers!

Have a lovely half term, keep singing, and don't forget my Mam is coming down from Lancashire on the 9th June, Pub meeting on the 14th June and Preston garden party concert on the 18th. No madrigals will be sung. Love You! XXX

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