5 March 2011

Weymouth Music Festival 2011

The one where Bryan Husband came along and made us feel guilty for not doing all the things Ed tries to get us to do! The one where Jenny wore a dress and heels and looked very lovely all day. The one where we listened to a bunch of very talented other choirs, and managed without The Fat Controller at the front!

A very different experience for Dorset for Singing then, causing much more nerves than usual as we realised that we would have to sing two new songs, facing only an unknown audience, and something really scary called adjudicators! Members who have got used to performing as part of our friendly choir were feeling a few butterflies this time!

But all went went well, and most people waited nicely for all the right gaps in the songs, and then we got some lovely feedback from Mr Husband, who had us moving and smiling and generally feeling better about the whole thing. We didn't see very much of Ed at all, who nipped off for a kebab as soon as Bryan had finished with our critique, and didn't see the solo session that we had, when four soloists came forward from our own DFS, Me (egged on by many), Big Ron, Adrian and our expressive Alex, and got some very useful direction, and I am at this very moment sticking my bottom out, just a little!

I thought it a very enjoyable afternoon,and hope we can return next week, but we shall have to wait and see, thanks everyone for coming even if you were worried. We upheld Dorset for Singing's good name and very good sense of humour XXX

PS - Update - We got through! See News & Events ...

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