I dreamed a dream, kicked us off tonight, I suspect that some people who still sing the first line up and down after being told off about it lots are actually having trouble hearing it. I know, I had that trouble once. it actually does sound a bit like it pops up and down, but really, it doesn't. The rhythm is fooling you! I found you that little piece of music, but its a bit small because the internet doesn't want you to have too much for free!
Remember for the low notes, do not put your head down and try to create lots of chins, because it doesn't help...
something inside so strong seemed to have been well remembered. Ed wants more passion for this one, so I'll expect more hugs from all members!
Down to softer voices again for the prayer - I need to get my CD back off Ruth so I can tune in to some of the parts again.
yippeee - Honey Honey from Ed's copy of ABBA GLOD was the surprise item, and much better than everyone singing Happy Birthday which was someone else's guess! sorry it was a bit wobbly, I was very nervous especially as i keep coughing. Winter-bugs, be gone! I'll try harder next time, and hopefully Ed will have in blue type some lovely baah-baah-baahs for you all to sing. Eeh I do love Dorset-for-Singing, don't you?
For Hot finales we belted out Jerusalem, and I'm a believer but the oooh-ooh-ooh/oi! bits had gone a bit astray!
And as soon as I have some minutes from Mondays meeting, I will pop them up for you! I must be getting old, as I now steal Eds notes from the end of his organ to help jog my memory, there's an interesting shopping list on the back ...
keep singing, love you, Cat xxxx
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