Term one year 2 week 10
Getting better…
Now its time for some feedback, the kind that wont hurt your ears. I think Dorset for singing just gets better, and better. Every time we finish a concert and go home, I feel a little twinge of sadness knowing I wont see my 100 best buddies for a few weeks … and last year there were only 80 of you! But this busy mum-of-many does enjoy the rest, too, all this frantic blogging that no one else has the time to do …
Gasps last night, as the phantom blogger was unmasked, yet again, and more then once! Ed’s cheesy jokes will be told on the BBC (website). Michael has lost his on-stage job as we have a new charity and it was nice to hear some words from the local man for the Alzheimer’s society, but for the life of me I can’t remember his name. Erm… oh well at least I can remember most of the song lyrics when they are hidden behind a Christmas tree. Last years tree in the school hall wasn’t that tall. It only affected the bottom line. Thanks to Dave for shifting all the words over to the right, for the second half!
And talking of bottoms, I suppose you all had a good look at Ed’s after I pointed it out. I don’t suppose he will leave me in charge of the microphone again. I am very proud of him for being honest about his mistakes. Sorry there were so many everyone! But well done choir for keeping smiling and keeping singing … that’s all I ever ask of you, isn’t it?
I know im always nagging you to practice, and read my blog of course, but now im feeling generous. Once the turkey sandwiches and chocs from the tree have vanished, and its time to think about the new year, I would like to give you a present, so send me an email after Christmas (coombes6@btinternet.com) and ill tell you were to find it. And pop into the new Portland Arts Centre’s fund raising exhibition, coz I’ve got some art and crafts in there from 6th-29th December. ‘Cause I do love you, you know! Cat xxx
here is what i wrote for the local paper, and sent to ruth meech ...
"Dorset for Singing’s big Christmas Concert, number two
Review by Cat Coombes, AKA the choir blogger …
Weymouth’s biggest community choir does exactly what is says on the tin. The choir gives its members the opportunity to perform, and if any want to, to stand up there and sing alone. And last night again we brought good people of Weymouth and further affield together for an evening of song, and as more than one person said to me afterwards, there was something for everyone, in our audience of 180 people!
If you enjoy singing all kinds of songs, then this is the choir for you, and the concert is an option of course, but to make sure everyone is welcome we have our words on a screen at the back, and often some seating. We even have a naughty corner, but this year they redeemed themselves just in time for Santa’s visit by handing out refreshments in the interval! Having the words on a screen can be interesting when they are half hidden by the All Saints school hall Christmas tree, but members of the audience laughed along with Director Ed Hintze when he pointed out some mistakes, and some said they loved how friendly and informal the evening was.
We sang a bit of everything, from Abba to snow patrol, show tunes, and old favourites, with a handful of Christmas ditties this year too! There were solos from familiar faces and a new choir member too, some of them beautifully and spontaneously backed by the rest of choir seated on stage. When I joined Dorset for Singing I had no idea it would take me to centre stage for solos, but what a great opportunity that is, all ears upon you, bright lights and your own pianist, nerves and wobbly notes, and all! And the applause! Oh yes, and the mince pies at half time.
Of course we also worked together to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society, voted as this years charity to benefit from our termly concerts, and Malcolm Cumber from the south Dorset branch, came on stage to talk to us about ‘singing for the brain’, therapy for people suffering from Alzheimer’s. The concert raised a fantastic £462.83! Go Dorset for Singing! To find out more about our lovely choir, and catch up with the choir’s blog, go to www.dorsetforsinging.co.uk, and have a lovely Christmas, from all of us!"
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