27 February 2025

Tonight was a very exciting night. We were going to be able to choose songs for our Easter concerts on 2nd 3rd and 4th. Just kidding. No one could agree on the dates. Choose songs wisely. 

Jenny has been busy sorting out the musicals workshop day, making sure there’s a delicious menu on the 16th. 

Champagne supernova is on hold … in October there’s a concert at the pavilion on the 10th October… we will be backed by Jacks band and taking part in Rock for Riley. You can catch The Haze at Wyke Smugglers this Saturday, just incase you fancy that. 

We warmed up. Ed appologised for the road closure. He and Jenny got caught in that themselves! 

We began our songs with ONE OF US, beginning with a revision of the intro, harmonies included. Ed explained the three coin trick, when teaching the piano. It doesn’t sound fun to be honest, but it was a vain attempt to try and get us to sing ‘stubborn and misconceiving’ correctly. And it worked. 

Digging into old songs we tackled BANNER MAN next. Energetic. Then it was time to vote to include this in the Easter concert. It’s staying. 

I WILL FOLLOW HIM drifted into the hallway with plenty of dramatic hissing. Some of us joined in without words anyway. It got a yes vote. 

LOVE LETTERS was next. That’s quite quick to sing. It was voted in, buy a cat’s whisker. 

Back to this terms songs with RUN FOR HOME, and it got voted in as well as the ABBA song.

I love YOUNG AT HEART but it does sound a bit odd with Dorset accents. Just saying. It was voted in. 

A quick sing through of AVE MARIA, said Ed as he slipped behind the piano. Although Dorch voted it out we said yes, so that was that. 

ALL MY LOVE blared from the speakers. Stage left really wasn’t sure but it slipped through so that was nice. 

Next, HYMN following a pondering about whether it was blasphemy or unblasphemy. It’s definitely interesting lyrics. We popped it in on the shelf. 

Finally, gone 8.30pm we sang FRIDAY, I’M IN LOVE. Carol confided that she’s warming to it. Phew. 

Good start back DFS, well done. Xxx

13 February 2025

Ed reminded us that next week is half term. So don’t come next week. Ed and Jenny are going away for a nice break. 

We warned up with sirens which we haven’t done for a while. Esp me who was missing last week with the lurgry. We dum dum diddled as Jenny went off to the shops. 

We did some diaphragm work. Everyone felt a bit shy. I felt a bit rusty, that was my excuse! 

Then it was time to sing nicely, FRIDAY I’M IN LOVE, a song we often finish with. We sang it through with the cure blasting out of the speakers. Ed wanted to teach us harmonies. Yum. We also worked out an ending. Boom, on went the backing track. 

In notices - we have a gig. Easter concerts are looming - 2nd and 3rd April. 16th April for an Easter singing workshop and lunch.

25th May is Fayre in the square this years. 11am for our slot. And there will be a flashmob at some point this year. 

We had to start YOUNG AT HEART three times … that echo! Stage right are the interrupters at the crossover. We attempted the whole thing without accompanyment. That was fun. I think. 

Ed sat at the piano and didn’t sing at all while we sang AVE MARIA. Probably roughly. But better when we worked on it. 

ONE OF US started with Ed at the piano to got over that gorgeous intro. Once perfected, out came the came the backing track. 

And the newer song ALL MY LOVE next, sounding lovely, and our finale was RUN FOR HOME so some people stood to sing. 

Well done DFS, ya done good, have a great half term x