Message from Ed

Good morning!  Just a few reminders, Fayre in the Square today, 11.30am start in Hope Square, Weymouth. Running order:

1. Secret Love 

2. Walking on Sunshine 

3. Hallelujah 

4. Right By Your Side 

5. Run 

6. One Day Like This 

We also have our extraordinary rehearsal at 6.45pm on Wednesday, 29th May at Dunelm, Weymouth.

Normal rehearsals resume on Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th June.

Happy Bank Holiday!

23 May 2024

So much excitement going on, and some extra sheets of music for the old flash mob. In housekeeping, it’s 11.30 at Fayre in the square. Parking is a bit of an issue round there. Wear bright tops and dark bottoms. The set will be 20 mins and Ed will follow with 20 minutes of his own. 

On Wednesday -breaking news - others of the choir may join after the elbow song, even if you can’t make the secret rehearsal. The Elbow song will be memorised. Haha. 

We warmed up, nice and fast. Because why not? And with lost of power, we did the HIIIIIII warm up, and then lead into the first note of SECRET LOVE because we have to start that all powerfully and confident of course. It’s one of those short intro songs. 

Then we sang it properly. And Ed said that it was good. 

Number two, enjoy enjoy enjoy singing WALKING ON SUNSHINE and smile. Yes you may feel there are too many words. There are. All there for your singing pleasure. You got this! 

Remember not to stare at the words we know and look up and smile at the lovely audience. 

So HALLELUJAH said Ed. Mind the gap. It’s in the wrong place if you ask me. We have to sing differently when we sing with ukuleles! Ed went over some of those timings. 

RIGHT BY YOUR SIDE has alternative lyrics that Ed invented. We may not sing those. But we might. We sang it twice. 

With a smashing new backing track, RUN.  It was pretty good. 

ONE DAY LIKE THIS was sang in two versions and followed by SOMEONE LIKE YOU just for fun. 

Have a great half term, and see you on Wednesday for the secret rehearsal for you-know-what! 

16 May 2024

Just incase you wanted it, here is our drop box 

Dunelm Cafe is the venue for our flash mod rehearsal, in half term, Wednesday 6.45pm. Only come of you can make the flashmob… memorise one day like this. 

We had a Lidl warm up. Eventually though. After Lesley and Cat had stopped being disruptive. Shocking. 

Our running order for Fayre in the Square - 

Secret love 
Walking On Sunshine 
Right By Your Side 
One Day Like This 

So we ran through them all, it’s a 22 minutes long.

Our flash mob version is going to be a different key. And will be missing the repeats due to the lower numbers. Harmony.

We also sang a little of uptown girl coz we will be singing that with ukuleles too. 

Then we had to revisit the Fayre in the Square set so work on all the bits Ed wanted to polish. We are all to make like little divas, and shine. So Bob is going to wear a kilt. Let’s hope it’s not stormy. 

Wow, didn’t we do well? No? Oh. Well I still love you x 

9 May 2024

Good evening, boombed Ed from a working microphone! It was time to talk dates - 

25 May - Fayre in the square 11.30am
A 20 minute set followed by some Ed for 20 minutes 

29 May - rehearsal for flash mob - possibly Wyke smugglers with the ukulele guys. 7pm

22 June - Flash mob. Three songs -  One day; uptown girl, run.  Time tbc

7 July - swing time - Dorchester 1.15pm 

13 July - headline - osminton village thingy. 3.30 to 4pm 

August is for sunbathing … 

With Ed at the piano we dived into SOMEONE LIKE YOU and it’s definitely a tough one for choir. Ed sang the harmonies for the chorus, and we sang that again. And then without the piano. Eeek. 

We flicked to RUN next, starting at chorus, the juicy harmonies belting out! We ran through the whole song then, no pun intended. Lovely lovely lovely.  

Loud and livey RIGHT BY YOUR SIDE filled the church hall. Don’t forget the delay. Half of us must sing DO and half must sing YEAH. We really looked closely at the top of column two, and I think that as really stating to pay off. 

Gently we sang HALLELUJAH and those smart among us have already crossed out all of the H from the titular word. Banish all gaps, and unlearn what’s been learned before. 

I love ONE DAY LIKE THIS and sang my little face off. Ok said Ed, we need a balance. Choose one of the three parts for the power ending. 

Boom, bang we launched into the bad grammar of WALKING ON SUNSHINE WHOOOOO. That’s not the full title that’s us making a joyful sound at the beginning. 

Finally SECRET LOVE, we stood to perform, then floated off into the night, singing songs and we drifted into our cars and up the road. 

Well done, yay! Love you loads xxx 

2 May 2024

Did you know choir will be sweet 16 in September? The baby I used to leave behind is 16 today! Golly gosh how time flies when you are busy singing! 

A warm up with a difference was on the cards today. But first, a sensible one. Time to play. Ed set out the rules of play. What could possibly go wrong? It was very successful. 

The secret flash mob is June 22nd. Don’t tell your friends. A rehearsal will be on 29th May, during half term. Time and venue tbc, for those who can flash mob. 

We flocked to the words for RUN. I still can’t really sing, one of those long term coughs. High cheek bones everyone. No slack faces DFS. So we worked on brightening the sound and then the very notes themselves, of all those delicious harmony parts. After another sing through Ed said well done. 

We were WALKING ON SUNSHINE after all that. Every gap in the song is filled with words, so perhaps we could say, there are none at all! And some of the Ohs were not being given enough beats. 

And HALLELUJAH we didn’t spend to long on it. This is actually a good song to play on a ukelele. We need to be careful not to put unwanted gaps in, or shorten some notes that should be longer. The second verse must be sang intensely, not all nice and lovely. Someone groaned with disappointment! 

Have fun making lots of funny and fun noises at the start of RIGHT BY YOUR SIDE. But no more Michael Jackson sounds. That’s me told. We sang with Annie first then with Ed at the piano. 

ONE DAY LIKE THIS is a lovely song. I love the overlaps. I think we did a good job of this. Ed said lovely stuff. 

No hesitation, straight in with SECRET LOVE, disco version. 

Keep singing DFS and don’t forget to vote if you haven’t yet today! Love, Cat x