30 November 2023

Apologies for missing last week. I’ve made up for it by sharing Ed’s notices from Facebook of up coming dates and running orders. 

Housekeeping today will include 2 running orders, but both have been detailed in the blog before this one, along with the dates of our appearances. 

Snowballs will happen every time we sing WOMBLING MERRY CHRISTMAS at indoor events only. We don’t want to lose our balls. 

We ran through the running order again, as follows - 

1. Keeping the Dream Alive 
2. Merry Christmas Shaky 
3. See Amid the Winter's Snow 
4. Carol of the Bells 
5. Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth 
6. Merry Christmas Everyone (Elton/Ed)

7. Solos/Duos

8. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 
9. A Winter's Tale 
10. Wombling Merry Christmas 
11. Merry Christmas Everybody (Slade) 
        O Holy Night 
12. Fairy Tale of New York

Then sang the songs we missed out from the not-the-half-hour-version! Plus another look at LITTLE DRUMMER BOY as we all call it. So much overlapping. 

And was there time for the full naughty version of FAIRYTALE in honour of Shane MacGowan who died on this day? Yes there was. 

Wow good job choir! But that’s not why I love you! 

30 November 2023 - Notice Special Edition

December Notices!  Here are some key details:

Wednesday, 6th December, Christmas Concert, United Church Dorchester, 7pm

Friday, 8th December, Christmas Songs at The Royal Hotel, Weymouth, 7pm until 7.30pm

Sunday, 10th December, Christmas Cracker, outside St. Peter's Church, Dorchester, 2pm until 2.30pm

Monday, 11th December, Christmas Social/Concert, Weymouth & Portland Rugby Club, Weymouth, 7pm

Saturday, 16th December, Christmas Songs, Island Garden Nursery, Upwey, 2pm until 2.30pm

Running order for concerts:

1. Keeping the Dream Alive 
2. Merry Christmas Shaky 
3. See Amid the Winter's Snow 
4. Carol of the Bells 
5. Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth 
6. Merry Christmas Everyone (Elton/Ed)
7. Solos/Duos
8. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 
9. A Winter's Tale 
10. Wombling Merry Christmas 
11. Merry Christmas Everybody (Slade) 
        O Holy Night 
12. Fairy Tale of New York 

Running order for 30 minute appearances:

1. Merry Christmas Shaky
2. See Amid the Winter's Snow 
3. Carol of the Bells 
4. Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth 
5. Hark! The Herald Angel's Sing 
6. A Winter's Tale 
7. Wombling Merry Christmas 
8. Merry Christmas Everybody (Slade) 
9. O Holy Night 
10. Fairy Tale of New York  

We return on Wednesday, 10th January. Merry Christmas!!! 


16 November 2023

Ed welcomed us, and we sang Happy Birthday to dear Jenny. There’s a bit of venue change for our concert on the 11th so watch this space for an update. Solo acts are requested for both Weymouth and Dorchester concerts.

We warmed up. We were warmed. We we’re KEEPING THE DREAM ALIVE but we didn’t have enough lyrics. I shared mine. We sang with the backing track then sang a capela with Ed. 

We Wombled into WOMBLING MERRY CHRISTMAS with the song blasting forth from Ed’s magic speaker. The second verse needed some work. Plus there’s a big ask from our choir master - in the concert, pretend this is your favourite song. 

Splitting into parts in any order, we sang THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY/PEACE ON EARTH. The room was filled with more Bing than David. 

Ed is now singing the verses to MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE then we dived into the DONGS of CAROL OF THE BELLS and got quite out of breath. 

And keeping our energy levels up we sang MERRY CHRISTMAS SHAKY. I yawned. Not because of bored. But because of air. Phew! 

Shut the door for A WINTERS TALE with Ed at the piano, probably to give his arms a rest from all that waving around. Needs bounce. 

SEE AMID THE WINTERS SNOW brings out my inner Michael Jackson. How about you? 

And FAIRY TALE OF NEW YORK my inner drunk. No. Not really. We also slipped in O HOLY NIGHT and stood to perform. 

Super smashing snowy singing, DFS - keep singing xxx 

9 November 2023

It’s still Christmas, and Cat smells. Oh no I don’t! Do I? We planned to sing 11 songs so we quickly warmed up DUM DUM DIDDLY DUM while Ed sparkled at the piano. Not because he was playing well but because he had glitter on his forehead. 

He doesn’t actually read this does he? 

We listened to KEEPING THE DREAM ALIVE. Some song along. Then Ed put on the backing track. He pointed out the rule of end of line notes going up or down. Go down every time you are about go onto ‘The game’ otherwise go up at the end of those lines! 

SEE AMID THE WINTERS SNOW was next. Lesley reminded us to sing the Sacred infant verse quietly and reflectively. Then for the chorus, sing like nobody’s listening. We stood. 

For a certain David Essex fan we sang A WINTER’S TALE, with Ed at the keyboard and he demonstrated the sweet low harmony part. 

We Wombled into a WOMBLING MERRY CHRISTMAS with the song to sing along too. Ed reminded us to make Pom Poms. Ed was still glittering as he said we shouldn’t stare at our lyric sheets all the time. 

Apparently Dorch did very well last night with CAROL OF THE BELLS. Ding Dong. Our first run through wasn’t too bad. In the key of G we sang it a Capella. It’s not easy to breathe, perhaps share oxygen with a buddy? 

Rum-pum-pum-pums replaced dongs as we sang THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY/PEACE ON EARTH. Next week there will be no BING. Just probably a few DONGs still … 

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE filled the speakers. Everyone agreed Ed sang it the best of all. Maybe a solo with choir as backing singers? 

We stood to sing O HOLY NIGHT which we know and love. 


Woo boo DFS. Christmas is coming! Keep singing and don’t forget your balls. Hands up who’s already made theirs? Xxx

2 November 2023

A good few of us braved the storm to sing seven festive songs, not the full set that we will goodness - five more sexy songs will be revealed next week. 

We had a short warm up, because you know, seven new songs. Ed had all the tracks on his phone and speaker ready to play for us! 

MERRY CHRISTMAS SHAKY is a blast from 1985. 

A WINTER’S TALE back to 1983 with David Essex in a waist coat. Wasn’t it? Singing with the original song was a little low, so Ed whipped out an old key we used to use. 

SEE AMID THE WINTER’S SNOW is one we know and love. 

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE we sang along with Ed and Elton and Ed actually. Sheeran that is. 

THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY/PEACE ON EARTH means we have to decide if we will be Bing or Bowie, such fun trying to sing different things! Ed demonstrated first one, then the other. Which one will you be. We alternated between listening/singing along,  and singing with the piano. Then we had to sing it with out any accompaniment! 

O HOLY NIGHT had some standing, for our final song. But of course I blogged in order of stapled sheets! 

WOMBLING MERRY CHRISTMAS came with the revelation that the actual Wombles are coming. We had a listen through and I wondered who really sang it back in the 70s. 

Happy Christmas DFS. KEEP SINGING! Xx