Numbers were down wth a particular lack of men, none present apart from Michael and Big Ron ... Lalala-lalala-lalala-lalalah, we all went. Followed by The Grand Old Duke Of York with claps and stamps! Such Fun!
In bad news, we won't be singing with a famous person in June, but The Best of Dorset will be in June this year and that may be a possible concert, or not.
Used stamps can be collected for The
MS Society at choir everyweek.
Then it was time to rehearse both of our Weymouth Music Festival songs, starting with Life On Mars. The final long note type ending is still rather scary for many people. Ron won the prize of Largest Cavern. Nice. Wide mouths everyone and lots of confidence! 'Remember, sensual won't cut it! Louder and bigger!' Said Ed roughly.
Starting over again we practiced the perfect intro and found we had lost the harmony! Breaking it down worked a treat and it was all lovely.
And we gave that the elbow, and dug out the music for - Elbow! One word - Believe! Convince me its your song and dog deep to get back that sparkle. Happiness injected fish we shall be. We had lost our synchopation and it really makes a HUGE difference!
We seperated out The Holy Cows because some bum notes and creeped in, and we can't have that. Got to stay true to the root chord.
Then we stood to perform it, then stayed on our feet to perform Life On Mars. Only two songs this week to really get these songs right!
Well done DFS now sing those all the way home in the car, (can you tell I blog live?), and Lots of Love to you all, keep singing Xxx