25 April 2013

The one without the piano ....

Ed was released and unfettered, as lacking a keyboard, he stood in front of us and conducted the warm ups, by sign language. And even though the secret location of said piano was discovered, we carried on or practice using backing tracks, and strong prayer!

Some nice solo parts are slotting into this terms songs, with someone very kindly volunteering someone else for the verses in 'Love can build a bridge'. Helpfully, this very certainly means that this relatively new song can feature in our May concerts. Hooray. Ed was relaxed and relieved and somewhat moved by the whole thing. Must be my country voice...

Jack was disappointed with the long notes at the end of 'I will follow him' so we tried again and it was beautiful. And jack reaped what he seweth, when he left the desk and us without any music or words, and got the sack.

Les mis went hilariously wrong, for the lyrics were not forthcoming, then the very exclusive backing track was all pants anyway, and so we axed it! A Capella was ok for us. We gave Ed a spaghetti shiver* all down his spine!

Ed had some concert tickets, get yours now and save a whole 50p on the door price. Am looking forward to the venue where the choir have their own tea and coffee served to them, again!

Now it's time (don't ya think it's time?) to get my you tubes out, love you, keep singing xxxx

*the kind of shiver you get from strong tomato sauce

18 April 2013

Yay, a new term for Dorset for Singing! Even the warm up was exciting. All saints church concert looms just before my birthday, (may 10th the concert) but we will be singing songs there that we know quite well, and it was fun singing a couple of old faves tonight!

29th of June is the Preston village garden party but our attendance is heavily penciled in at this date has only just been released! Hot off the press indeed! This is one venue that is also very easily rained off of course. And dfs don't really look good in wellies anyway ...

Special rehearsals will take place on sat morning, 27th april, at 11am for those of us going to Normandy. I can't wait for our little trip, as I haven't left the country for quite some time. Expect lots of interesting blogging, and incriminating Instagram pictures all the way! I am bringing a special friend with me who will get blog posts all of his own over on my raggyrat blog!

Choir tackled some new material with great gusto today, looks like I got away with eating chocolate for a couple of weeks instead of doing vocal exercises! One of the songs was suggested by me so please don't kill it and the other was a Karen carpenter number. Karen carpenter is the new Abba.

Look out for suspension bridges and keep singing, much love, Cat xxxx finishing the blog on the sofa!