29 September 2011

Boagies ...

Why on earth would one turn up at choir with a head full of snot, and watery eyes? Would it be to share it with everyone else? Quite possibly, but in my case it is because I is the very faithful Blogger! I did tackle some of last nights GREAT songs, but very soon felt my throat getting scratchy and so I listened to everyone else and picked up on a few pertinent points - sorry about that!

It is important to look after those vocal folds, so if you find your self with a share of my lurgey next week, Make sure you stop singing when it hurts, as our dear old Ed always tells us!

Last night we were treated to some delicious nostalgia, all the hits from our first three years together! I still can't believe we made it to year 4, I thought someone would have broken it by now! Ah, so much we remember, and so much we have forgotten, and yet again so much Ed has decided to change (because it's his choir)!

Thanks to everyone who has offered to come early and be door men. Which reminds me, we do need more men, so if you see any spare ones, bring 'em along. And i am going to pick up my GOLD card soon if it kills me. Hugs to all!

22 September 2011


Is't it great to be with all the old choir members again, ready to sing out hearts out for DFS's 4th year! We look forward to adding our voices to the Olympic hoo-har this coming year, as well as pretending to laugh at Ed's jokes every Thursday night that we meet!

Considering the choir has been mostly sitting around in cafes drinking hot chocolate and grumbling about how much polo-shirts don't flatter the female form, We sounded really good and the blogger was extremely impressed! Lots of new songs thrown our way, mixed response to those, but lots of enthusiasm for one of our favourites, 'chasing cars', and the bouncy erasure number we did last! Just to show how much we really enjoy a good sing along, for its own sake really!

For revision purposes, don't forget to pop to 'Dorset for Singing' on you tube (link in the side bar) and look up this terms song videos, which apparently Ed has put in a lovely folder all tidy. Isn't that a pip? and if you can get here early, why not help out on the door. If everyone is on the door and nobody comes in, that would be really funny. Remember I love you, and keep singing, Cat XXX